Patricia Bragg talks about Jack LaLanne

fastingJack Lallanne was actually a scrawny, sickly youth at the age of 15. Not the glowing picture of health that most of us see today.

It was Paul Bragg who inspired Jack to change his life.

Jack moved from a junk food centered diet, to lifestyle of healthy eating, exercise and good health habits. Continue reading “Patricia Bragg talks about Jack LaLanne”

Detoxify with an Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a pretty inexpensive way to enhance your health.

I picked up a bottle of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar for $4 at the grocery store last night.

Check out the video to learn about some of the benefits and cleansing effects.

Continue reading “Detoxify with an Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse”

Making Light Work of Digestion

Enzyme Balance
Enzyme Balance

I feel so much better when I get myself into what I call, “Positive Enzyme Balance”

First I eat lots of locally grown, organic vegetables.

Then I make sure my digestive system has very light duty. During my Detox Boot Camp, I consume small amounts of fat and protein.

Continue reading “Making Light Work of Digestion”

How detox can help you jump-start your metabolic engine…

How detox can help you jump-start your metabolic engine…

I love this video with Mark Hyman, M.D. –

He really nails down some of the principles I stongly agree with and am following on the detox boot camp plan.

Continue reading “How detox can help you jump-start your metabolic engine…”

Getting Ready for the Detox Boot Camp


It’s time again for my Detox Boot Camp. I did it last year about this time and had an absolutely wonderful experience. Be the end of the detox, I had more energy and mental clarity, than I’d had in a long time. Not that it was easy. There were a few challenging days for sure.

8 Day Detox Cleanse

In a couple of days I’m going to start the detox. Continue reading “Getting Ready for the Detox Boot Camp”