Check Out This Doctors Detoxification Protocol

NiacinHere is a really interesting detoxification protocol. It uses niacin, which is vitamin B3, exercise, like rebounding and sweating to eliminate toxins from the cells. This is not something you want to try on your own.  A doctors supervision is required.
Continue reading “Check Out This Doctors Detoxification Protocol”

Cleansing and Detoxification, Ultimate Education Program, Part 1 of 3

Cleansing and DetoxificationA lot of people think that detoxification just involves colon cleansing, or they might think of drug rehab.

True detoxification is a lot more than this. It involves cleansing the whole body and working with all the organs of elimination.

Brenda Watson shares some great internal cleansing information in this video.

Continue reading “Cleansing and Detoxification, Ultimate Education Program, Part 1 of 3”

Detoxify Your Body with a Parasite & Worm Cleanse – Detoxification

fasting Parasites are a bigger problem than many people think.

You can pick up parasites from undercooked meat, or your pets, to name a few.

There are a number of herbs and natural compounds that can be effective against parasites. Continue reading “Detoxify Your Body with a Parasite & Worm Cleanse – Detoxification”

Cleansing and Fasting Ideas For Beginners

fastingMost people have an overworked digestive system.

Have you noticed the incredible popularity of digestive aids recently?

Consider giving your digestive system a little vacation. This gives the detoxification systems of the body a chance to clean house. Continue reading “Cleansing and Fasting Ideas For Beginners”

Have You Tried the Lemonade Diet?

Lemonade DietThe lemonade diet has also been called The Master Cleanse.

It has been around for a long time, and has been used by lots of people.

It is well known for it’s ability to detoxify the body and help with weight loss. Continue reading “Have You Tried the Lemonade Diet?”

Rebounding for Detoxification and Cleansing the Lymph, Interview with Dr. Hans Gruenn

trampolineDr. Gruenn practices preventive medicine and is an expert in detoxification.
Rebounding or bouncing on a mini trampoline has some benefits you may not have heard of.
For starters it helps to detoxify and cleanse the lymph system in the body.

trampolineDr. Gruenn practices preventive medicine and is an expert in detoxification.

Rebounding or bouncing on a mini Trampoline has some benefits you may not have heard of.

For starters it helps to detoxify and cleanse the lymph system in the body. Continue reading “Rebounding for Detoxification and Cleansing the Lymph, Interview with Dr. Hans Gruenn”

Limey Love Shake, Tastes Great

fastingCleansing green smoothie

This is a great little recipe for a detoxing smoothie that goes down good any time of year. Shelley Young is the Queen of alkaline food preperation.

She likes to drink this one in the summer. You could add water in place of the ice cubes during the colder months and it still tastes amazing. Continue reading “Limey Love Shake, Tastes Great”